If our Light Energies are sufficiently loving and healthy, then the physical bodies will be full of Lights. They will be like the brightest objects in this dark physical world.
We will see one another, not as male or female, black, brown or white, tall or short, gay or straight, rich or poor, believers or unbelievers, or any other label we have given ourselves. We will see one another as Lights, or as Lights disguised as darkness.
Humanity does not need so many words for it to discover its true nature. In the search for meaning, certain words like the conscious mind, subconscious mind, third eye, soul, spirit, cause, effect, karma and more, have been used to define the meaning of existence, and these words have caused a lot of confusion, pain, and disappointments for so many.
Throughout the pages of this book, you will find that the meaning of Life is greatly simplified. Whatsoever is the belief or unbelief, the color of the skin, the religious practice, the shape of the body; and whatever is the language that it speaks, each Life that reads this book is presented with an Eternal Opportunity to realize that, in the whole existence, there ‘is’ only two: The Real and the Unreal.
Targeted Age Group:: 8 and above
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I have always wanted to inspire others through my writing. However, this first book isn't so much about inspiration; it is more of a sudden realization of the meaning of existence. The result is that readers will be inspired and rewarded with a simpler understanding of the meaning of Life. That will bring about lasting peace, joy, and the enhancement of Life.
Book Sample
it has been echoed throughout the ages, over and over again that 'the Source of all Life is Eternal Light, and in it, there is no darkness at all.'
The Ultimate Creator, Absolute, All Love, Formless, All Bliss, Genderless, Boundless, All Grace, Eternal Spirit, Eternal Life, and Eternal Light. The aforementioned is Whole Existence, but it couldn't identify itself as such, because there was nothing else in comparison.
Consequently, the relative, imperfect, temporary, dark physical world with forms, geometries, limitations, and boundaries was created and by that creation, the Absolute, Perfect, Limitless, and Formless Eternal Light proceeded to the complete conscious awareness of itself.
Now, every subatomic part of the Eternal Light is Life by itself; just as every cell in the human body is life by itself. Out of great Grace, the Eternal Light wanted every less-aware part of itself to also come to a conscious knowledge of what it is.
Out of great Grace, countless specks of Eternal Light became released into the dark physical world. That is Eternal Bliss. Each Light then takes up a physical form, prepared beforehand, and through this form, it will be able to realize and demonstrate its true nature.
The whole physical world was created and geometrically programmed to function by itself. The sun had to be created to temporary give Light to the physical world of deep darkness so that each Life that takes up a physical form could flourish for some time.
The human body and brain are super-duper vessels designed by the Ultimate Creator. That is Eternal Grace. They are assigned for use by a special kind of Light Energy. This Light Energy is the same in kind, but not in degree, with the Eternal Light.
The sun is also a special kind of Light Energy and why it performs and operates the way it does is because it vibrates in a certain way. The countless stars and all living solar bodies are all different kinds of Light Energies that take up different molds in the physical world.
In human species, Life is closest to the core and the Source of all Lights. The purpose of Life as it journeys through the physical world is to realize the magnificence of the Eternal Light and to demonstrate its nature of Selfless Love. In other words, humanity is meant to realize and to demonstrate the true nature of the Eternal Light, and this is Pure Love.
Every spark of Light Energy or Life operating in the physical world is a micro speck of the Eternal Light. Each Light has taken up a physical form suitable for its level of awareness, purpose, and vibrations.
Each Light is Life by itself, and it takes a physical form through which it could function in the physical world. How every Light function, will determine whether it will reunite with the Eternal Light and bliss or remain in utter darkness and doom.
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